Nuno Franco

Find your home with us!

Whatever type of property you are after, for permanent residence, holidays or rentals&monetisation, we can help!
From villas to apartments, farms, rural or buildable land, ruins, as well as commercial spaces, hotels, etc.
We will be able to identify properties with the characteristics you are looking for that may be on the market already. With the help of our digital tools, but also access our network of local informants who have given us precious help over time. Don´t hesitate getting in touch to tell us about the property you are looking for! We will be happy to help you, supply information about the market and all purchase procedures and if you so wish, we will give you guidance throughout the whole process. Speak soon!

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I am a foreigner or portuguese citizen living abroad. Why should I invest in Portugal and in the Western Algarve in Particular?

In addition to the first 2 obvious reasons, such as an excellent climate, with more than 300 days of sunshine a year and of (Portugal is a very safe country with a very low crime rate, less than 1%! and was ranked 6th safest country in the world according to the Global Peace Index) the country has a diverse nature with exuberant and very different landscapes! A very desirable lifestyle as well as an increasingly appreciated gastronomy, among many other positive things. But there are also appealing tax advantages to consider...




What do our Clients say?

"...Querido Nuno, Muito obrigada pelo seu profissionalismo, empenho, perfeccionismo e entrega que dá ao seu trabalho. Faz qualquer cliente sentir que tem alguém com quem pode contar e que nada irá falhar. Transmite segurança pela experiência e sabedoria que expõe em cada detalhe. Só podia dar um excelente resultado..."


What do our Clients say?

"...Profissionalismo, Eficiência, disponibilidade, simpatia e honestidade! Recomendo sem sombra de dúvida…um colaborador excecional!..."

P. Santos

What do our Clients say?

"...Hello Nuno, just a quick note to thank you for all your hard work and for making sure everything ran smoothly…"

J. Arbuckle

What do our Clients say?

"...Parabéns Sr. Nuno Franco, uma pessoa dinâmica, séria e responsável, um colaborador excelente…"

Casal Rodrigues

What do our Clients say?

"...Herr Franco ist sehr zuverlassig, schnell, ehrlich, direct, geduldig, sorgfaltig und nett.

Da Herr Franco so gut Deutsch spricht war die kommunication nie ein Problem und sehr Hillfreich. Alle fragen geklaert und mich gut beraten und unterstuetzt…"

A. Muller

What do our Clients say?

"...By this message we want to express our sincere thankfulness for your approach and advice during the whole period of negotiation and the purchase of our (Dream) Property in Espiche. We were happy to experience your personal and professional commitment from the first contact until the final Deed. We are grateful for your intervention and  we can recommend it to every possible candidate buyer in the Lagos region. Thank you, All the Best..."

Bart V. and Lieve V. D.

What do our Clients?

"...Nuno Franco, Consultor imobiliário, vertical, honesto, muito dinâmico e empenhado em dar o seu melhor quer ao cliente quer ao seu trabalho. Super rápido, muitos parabéns…"

C. Soares

What do our Clients say?

"...Obrigado mais uma vez pelo seu esforço e resiliência para levar o processo até ao fim! Cumpriu-se o objectivo!...Agradeço também o seu empenho e trabalho e ter conseguido um comprador. Resta-me dizer que se tivesse uma outra casa para vender, estaria descansado, pois estaria bem entregue. O meu amigo é um excelente e dedicado profissional…"

J. Martins

What do our Clients say?

"...You have been an absolute joy to work with, thank you for connecting us with the right Solicitor and helping us with the Mortgage. We could not have done this without you and your contacts and your hard work of course…”

J. Dzartah

What do our Clients say?

"...Caro Sr. Nuno,

É-nos particularmente grato expressar, através desta via, os nossos mais sinceros agradecimentos ao Sr. Nuno Franco pela forma como conduziu a venda de um imóvel em Portimão. O seu profissionalismo, simpatia e disponibilidade desde a primeira hora tornaram este processo o mais tranquilo e célere possível. Apesar do facto de não residirmos no Algarve, o Sr. Nuno Franco manteve-nos sempre a par de todos os desenvolvimentos, aconselhou-nos regularmente sobre os melhores passos e antecipou-nos todos os cenários possíveis. Por estas razões, recomendamos, sem reservas e com entusiasmo, o Sr. Nuno Franco como a pessoa indicada para conduzir um processo de venda imobiliário. Cumprimentos,"

Luís Coelho e Paula Serra Coelho

What do our Clients say?

“…Concluído este processo, resta-me reconhecer o elevado profissionalismo demonstrado, acreditando, por isso, não ser a última vez que nos encontramos…”  

M.L. Seabra

What do our Clients say?

“…Concluindo com a venda do imóvel, sinto que o Nuno fez muito, mas mesmo muito mais do que aquilo que lhe competia…Obrigado Nuno por tudo e com certeza o algoritmo da vida vai fazer com que nos encontremos de novo…”

Rui N.S.

What do our clients say?

"...I met Nuno as the listing agent for my second purchase in Lagos in Summer 2022. He is always so friendly and helpful, but also very straightforward to work with. He is open to answer any questions and gave me clear insight from his years of experience. Since then, Nuno has become the only agent I want to work with. We´re now working on my fourth purchase with him. He continues to be a trusted advisor and someone I rely on to help guide me through each purchase process. He makes the process almost seamless to me. I would highly recommend Nuno to anyone who is looking for a consistent and positive experience in buying a property..."

A. Abrams

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