Sales Process Guide

Sales Process Guide

- Property Viewing

- Market Research. Which Properties are in direct competition in the same area as yours and at what price are they on the market for?

- Correct Valuation of your property.

- Marketing plan/property promotion tools meeting.

- Real Estate Mediation Agreement.

- Discuss details about the necessary set up of the property for the photography and video report.

- Production of marketing material for the promotion of the property.

- For sale Sign on (Optional)

- Viewings with pre-interviewed clients that are looking to purchase a property with similar characteristics of your property.

(Whenever there is a visit, a viewing report will be filled out for you to receive the client´s feedback)

- Purchase Offers: A well-documented and transparent process for both buyers and sellers in which any offer or counteroffer will be readily presented to avoid time waste and to enhance fair negotiation for both sides and third parties/other brokerages.

Signature of the Promissory Note (PSPA – Preliminary Sales and Purchase Agreement)

This is the first legal binding step towards the purchase of a property. Per usual, with the signature of this Agreement, the Buyer will pay 10% (This percentage can be negotiated) into the Vendors account or into an escrow account. (Strongly advised when the seller lives abroad)

  • Public Deed of Purchase and Sale. Transference of the ownership takes place.
  • The vendor will present all original and updated documentation that may be necessary for that specific property. (Previously double-checked by the lawyers and Notary Office)


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